What’s New? A lot!

ASAOM's Logo - A navy blue and deep green 'A' with a saguaro silhouette in white

ASAOM’s New Logo


As a school, it is incumbent upon us to review what we do, what we stand for, and what we offer. In this process of review, we should make adjustments to our direction where needed, to reflect how the school has evolved and is evolving. Recently, we took a good look at ourselves and engaged this process in a in a big way. The result is below. If you want to be involved in Chinese medicine, and you want to impact healthcare, we welcome you to apply and make your impact with us.

  • It is time for a refresh!

    We have not designated a logo - sort of ever.

    So we decided to and we had some real specific aspects we wanted and did not want.

    Did not want: Anything standing on its laurels, cliché and traditional, or holding onto to the romantic aspect of Chinese medicine. We are Chinese medicine, but we are Chinese medicine in the West. READY TO MAKE AN IMPACT! We love the tradition of Chinese medicine (our owners are Chinese Nationals), and we respect the timeless aspect of this ancient craft, but this is living, breathing, evolving medicine. We did not want to appear like every other school or program trying to get the 5 elements in to our graphic, or dragons, or a phoenix, a branch or blossom.

    Did want: To look like a college, not a specialty school. To feel like a college or university. To create something that was representative of us, ‘A’ for Arizona and Acupuncture, and a saguaro to represent the gorgeous Sonoran Valley desert we call home. There is no better place to study acupuncture - everything in the desert has needles.

    Colors: Blue and Green. These are Chinese medicine colors. See what we did there?

  • As we move toward impacting healthcare with our mission, vision, and programs, we want our name to reflect what it is that we do, and represent with our medicine.


    Arizona College of Acupuncture Medicine and Bodywork

    You might also hear:

    Arizona College of Acupuncture


    The Acupuncture College of Arizona

    It’s all us.

  • This is what we believe in. This is what we work for. This is what we stand for. This is what you join when you elect our college to learn you sacred craft.

    Inspire | Engage | Advocate

    Inspire students by focusing on direct application of techniques underscored with evidence-based approaches derived from classical Chinese medicine

    Engage students as healthcare providers delivering care to the community

    Advocate to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine into the U.S. healthcare system.

  • We revamped this too. It’s all in there. This is what we want to see in the field of healthcare:

    We envision a healthcare system that fully integrates Traditional Chinese Medicine and biomedicine to promote health and wellbeing across populations.

  • Update: Our DAc program is still in development and is anticipated for a Fall 2025 start date.

    Doctorate: We built and submitted a Doctorate of Acupuncture degree to our accreditors with a timeline to get this degree active in the next ONE-to-TWO years. Yes, we will be building paths for enrolled students to migrate into the DAc. But you’ll need to meet the qualifications. When we have more on all of this - you will to! Who is this degree for? Anyone who wants the credentials that open more doors and place them on the platforms this medicine needs to be accepted on to really make an impact. The strength of each one of us - will benefit the whole.

    Update: This Masters Certificate in Chinese Herbal Medicine is on track for availability in Fall 2023.

    Chinese Herbal Cert: We sectioned out our herbal program portion and use it as the base to model out and submit a Masters in Herbal Medicine program. We should be able to be offering this in the next ONE-to-TWO years. Who is it for? (1) Anyone coming through an acupuncture program and wanting to learn herbs after; (2) anyone planning to slow the pace of their program by completing an acupuncture degree, and then returning later for herbal credentialing.

    Update: The first Nationally accredited program for Asian Medical Bodywork. Our ABT program is the AMB program and is considered a master’s certificate program. It launches in Fall 2023.

    Tuina/ABT Cert: We have one of the, if not THE, top Asian Bodywork (ABT) programs in the nation. It forms the base of our curriculums and all students coming through our program now graduate certified in ABT. We want this program to be a standalone nationally accredited program on its own. And then we want to be able to graduate students in our full programs into receiving or having a chance to receive, their LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist) license. This makes our students competitive and directly employable with many organizations as they complete their acupuncture licensure. We want you to be supported. Who is is this for? (1) Anyone interesting in being, arguably, one of the most thoroughly trained LMTs in the nation; (2) Anyone LMT looking to expand their skillset in an incredible way, and get their feet wet with Chinese medicine. We want to see this program in place in the next ONE-to-TWO years.