We are constantly looking for opportunities to improve what we are able to offer our students, and our patients. As an integral provider of community healthcare services, we do not accept tips for our services. This Donations Page has been created to allow those who wish to give to our efforts, a place to do so, and some insight into areas we plan to target with donated funds. As donations grow, you will see improvements made, and the list will change accordingly.
Our donation goals for this year:
paint the outside of our facility;
purchase top-of-the-line all-purpose compliant massage tables for our clinic (one for each room! we’re shooting for the moon!);
establish a fund to aid students in the licensing process post graduation.
Thank you!
You make us possible.
If you are donating or visiting our Community Clinic and/or seeing our student practitioners for care, you have a hand in achieving our goals. You are a member of our community. You honor us. We thank you.
Donations to our college will always go directly to improvements of our facility and our services for students, faculty, staff, and patients.