Professional Workplace Training
If you have already been AUTHORIZED to receive workplace training through ASAOM - Access your training here. You will need your email address.
If your SCHOOL EMAIL is not authorized to access training modules or if you are not sure whether you have been granted access - you can complete the form on this page and request access.
If you are a new Staff or Faculty member at ASAOM there is required training that you will need to complete as a part of your on-boarding process. Human Resources (HR) at ASAOM should be able to provide you with a list of your required training. If you have not received a list or it has been misplaced during your hiring process please complete the form below, indicating you are a new hire, and request access.
If you are a current student, faculty, or staff member of ASAOM you should have an authorized email address through your account that provides access to workplace training modules at SafeColleges. If you have not received an email authorizing you to access training at SafeColleges, please complete and submit the form below. Likewise, if there is a specific workplace training you have questions about or would like to request access to, please complete the form below to receive authorization for training such as:
OSHA - Blood Born Pathogens
General Ethics in the Workplace
Title IX - Sexual Harassment Prevention in the Workplace